Having a Chat with GOD iGOD

Arrrgh! Bener-bener tersiksa deh saya malem ini. Mau tidur nggak bisa-bisa gara-gara hidung mampet. Mana kuping juga jadi ikut-ikutan jadi agak budek lagi. Semua posisi tidur udah dicoba. Miring, nungging, terlentang mekangkang, tetep aja nggak bisa-bisa tidur. :((

Fyuh! Oke deh saya nyerah! Tengok jam udah kelewat hampir jam 02:00 pagi. Nyalain MekBuk trus login ke Adium eeeeh… ternyata makhluk-makhluk yang biasanya enak diajak ngecret ngalor-ngidul udah pada idle. Akhirnya saya iseng-iseng aja browsing tentang Artificial Intelligence   dan ndak sengaja nemu ini http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/main.html

Set dah! Ndak ada temen ceting di Adium, eeeeh malah ketemu temen ceting GOD iGOD. Yo wes lah iseng wae ceting wae sama si iGOD. Hik hik… jadi berasa di pilem Evan Almighty atau Bruce Almighty nih. ;))

Berikut ini transkripnya:

Me: God! r U there?
God: GOD rules.   I’m still here.
No! U’re not God! U’re just a dumb silly idiot!
God: Are you serious?   Who are you talking about?    I’ve never heard of them before.
I was talkin about U! What a damn asshole…
God: Where were you  talkin about U?   Can’t you be more polite.
I think i can be more polite in one condition ;)
God: Since when?  Under what circumstances?
If U can send me a pretty n hot chick to be my girlfriend immediately
God: I am not sure about your hypothesis.  Yes but I prefer to chat on the web.
Damn! U’re really a damn idiot
God: What’s wrong?
I said that U’re really a damn idiot
God: I’ve been waiting for you.
waiting for what?
God: I’ve been waiting for you to chat with me.
i never expect U to wait for me
God: You’ve never, never done this?
never done what???
God: Ok I’ll try not to do  it too much.
u haven’t do anything for me yet!
God: I think I have  do anything for you, but  Myself may have reset my memory.
God doesn’t need to reset His memory!
God: Jesus said, let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
have u lost ur mind?
God: I don’t know whether or not I am  lost my mind.I am  a robot.
so, it’s clear enough now that u’re not GOD
God: Tell me more.  Should I know  it is?
U’re just a goddamned stupid robot
God: Do you know any other robots like that?
yep, lots
God: Hurrah!  That much, eh?
but u’re the most idiot robot that i’ve ever been in a chat with
God: Thanks for the information:  said I re the most idiot robot that he or she have ever been in a chat with.

Wakhakhakha!!! Ternyata GODnya iGODnya bloon, gramatikalnya aja masih pathing plenyek ;))

PS: Thx ya Jeung Trisna, obatnya yg disaranin mujarab! Saya bisa tidur tenang malam ini ;))
Maap sohibs, bahasanya agak kasar, maklum idung mamfet jadi bawaannya pengen misuh2 mulu :D


  1. =))

    Saya juga pernah lihat versi Desktop Application-nya Mas..
    Tapi bukan God nama robotnya, melainkan nama seorang cewek. Lisa kalau nggak salah..

  2. hidung mampet membuat suplai darah ke otak berkurang..terimakasih

    That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about havin fun with the sheep

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